Hi there! 👋 I’m Joy Randolph, the Founder and CEO of MatriWell.

My mission is to end health inequalities in maternal health care.

I’m driven to create a world where every mother —regardless of her race, financial means, or location—can access the health care she needs for a healthy pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey.

Have questions or want to connect? I’d love to hear from you - click here to contact me.

Solving Problems in Maternal Health

Maternity care is facing a global crisis, affecting not just the UK and USA, but countries around the world. For example:

  • In 2022 2.3 million newborns died in the first 28 days of life.

  • Ethnic minority women are up to five times more likely to die during or after childbirth than white women.

  • 78% of mothers suffer from birth trauma.

  • Maternal suicide tragically remains the leading cause of death for new mothers.

  • Yet only 30% of women estimated to have postnatal depression receive treatment.

The consequences of poor maternity care don’t just impact mothers—they strain families, healthcare systems and governments too. In one year, the NHS spent £8.2 billion on maternity claims, accounting for 60% of its total litigation costs. In some years, claims exceed the cost of providing care.

Despite widespread media coverage, public inquiries, and repeated government pledges to improve maternity services, mothers have not seen progress.

The solution lies not in incremental fixes, but in a fundamental shift toward holistic maternal health care.

What is Holistic Maternity Care?

Holistic maternity care aims to improve every aspect of a mother’s health in her pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey. It treats mothers as complete individuals, caring for their physical, emotional, mental, and social health to help them thrive.

Traditional maternity care focuses on clinical outcomes by monitoring the mother, her baby’s development, managing complications, and ensuring a safe delivery.

Holistic care goes beyond this. It’s improves a mother’s overall health by delivering personalised health care tailored to her medical history, current medical and lifestyle data and risk factors, in addition to her emotional and mental needs.

This approach focuses on early identification of complications, prevention and healing. It involves giving mothers access to a diverse team of healthcare practitioners—from mental health therapists and trauma specialists to perinatal health experts, acupuncturists, lactation consultants, and sleep specialists—to ensure mothers receive well-rounded care.

By approaching maternal health holistically, it ensures every mother and baby has the best chance of thriving during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.

How I’m Contributing to Change

  • Building software to improve maternity care

    As the CEO & Founder of MatriWell, I lead the development of AI-powered software that provides mothers with personalised care tailored to their medical history, symptoms, emotional needs, and situation.

  • Collaborating with health care providers

    I collaborate with clinicians to develop solutions that assist with clinical decision making. We identify gaps in the system, implement innovations, and empower practitioners to deliver personalised and effective care.

  • Raising awareness of ways to improve care

    As a writer and public speaker, I raise awareness of the challenges impacting maternal health and well-being. By listening to and sharing mothers' stories, I advocate for meaningful changes to improve care for all mothers.

If what I’m working on resonates with you, let’s connect! I love meeting people who are passionate about maternity care, patient safety, or postpartum support—whether you’re a mother with a story to share, a clinician, or an organisation, I’d love to hear from you.

Click here to get in touch.